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Playing is how they discover the world

Our consultants will guide you in selecting the best combinations of these toys

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Play is the most natural way to learn

Accompany your child’s pace with the right toys, at each stage.

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Playing is how they comunicate

Having a wide variety of play experiences is key in setting their minds free.


Playing allows them to find themselves

Give them more possibilities to better get to know their preferences


Let them gain confidence through play

Play is a great tool to help them advance and gain confidence in their skills.


Swap don’t shop and make sure they are always interested in the toys around them.

How do you clean the toys?

We sanitise each toy after every use with bio certified safe products that disinfect the toy and leave it cleaner than if you were getting it from the factory!


ALL the toys that we receive back into our premises:

  1. Stay in an open well ventilated area for 3 days before they are handled

  2. They pass two rounds of hand inspected cleaning with non-toxic products before they are stored in their individual cloth bags.

  3. Our staff always wears masks and gloves when handling the toys or in their presence.

  4. They are stored for 24-48h before they are sent.

Toy Brands we love.