About us

We are parents above everything else.

The idea for Play Go Round was born from our very own family. With two small children and a pretty compact space we had several decisions to make about the environment we wanted our children to grow up in. We wanted them to have space, enjoy their belongings and appreciate everything around them.

Once the toys started coming however this became more and more difficult! We knew from the start that they needed constant stimulation and we knew this couldn’t come from an ipad or the tv, at least not at such an early age. We also knew that there were plenty of great quality toys out there that even we would love to play with, but owning them all was not an option, we didn’t have the space, budget or time to go through all of them. Furthermore one of our goals was to teach them to pay attention and consume responsibly as we are always worried about the planet we are leaving behind for them.

From there Play Go Round was conceived! A simple but effective idea to fulfil the needs of a family that believes in the importance of play for children and strives to find a balance between gaining a lot of experience and consuming responsibly.


Our “manifesto”

When you think of your kids’ playtime, you have to think of the gravity of play, this is where kids emotions are most heightened, they are learning to their core, they are free to express themselves, their curiosity sparks, their mind and body are telling them to experiment in every way possible so they can understand themselves and the world around them better.

They are on a mission to grow their skill set, explore new ways to interact with the world, while also developing their independence, self-confidence, moral values and their character, they are taking decisions, they are building habits, and they are testing their boundaries.

We want our kids to have the best experience playing, we want to make sure that when those neurones are firing up like crazy, they are gearing up this tiny soul to be fully expressed and grow in to its full potential.

Nothing is more important and more serious than play for kids, they are constantly on the lookout for every opportunity and every possibility to expand their horizons and absorb all experiences.

However, they also get distracted very easily or get bored with things very quickly, they may seem sure of what they want, but unsure where to get it from, they may get tempted to want things that are not necessarily the best for them, they feel pressured by their peers and they want to try everything to feel ahead of the pack.

They are the little heroes who made it here, and they are trying to express that with every move or scream they make, every new plot or play.

We, as parents, may be overwhelmed at times when we struggle and find a healthy balance, so we resort to numbing our children’s spirit so that we can try to get through to them, or we may shower them with spoils when it is all we can afford to give, for some quiet.

Kids live this highly dynamic life that is expanding by the second, and sometimes it is difficult to keep up with their needs and not succumb impulsively to over consuming toys and gadgets that add little value to them and get tossed aside too quickly.

By looking back on just one year of their lives we can see how our children who have barely set foot on this planet quickly start consuming resources, collecting and disposing of things, out growing others, filling their life with clutter that will eventually weigh down their light spirit one way or the other, while building habits of consumerism, possessiveness, and unsustainable living.

It is with all this in mind that we have set out to provide a program that shows kids how to understand life’s diversity with appreciation and not with possessiveness, with care and not with disregard, with full engagement and independence but not with attachment to objects. To keep wanting more and learning more in their journey, not feel stuck in the vehicle of play. All that while tracking their experiences, engagements, preferences, and converting them in to tools that will help parents and kids put their development and character building first.